In my post dated 30th April I wrote about Ginger guinea pig needing an expensive operation to remove a bladder stone. Today was operation day but although the stone is still showing up on x-rays, when the vet opened Ginger up, she was unable to locate it, so he's been through all that trauma for nothing. Tomorrow pictures of the x-rays (£800 worth!) are being sent to a specialist to see if he can say where the stone is (thankfully we are not being charged for all these additional cost). Even if the specialist can locate it more accurately I am not sure it is fair to put Ginger through yet another operation, although he doesn't seem too bad after this one, just very hungry. I really don't know what to do for the best.
As I am writing this I am half watching a fox that is acting very strangely... one minute it is at the top of the field but the next time I look up it is at the bottom, then it is back up at the top again and so on. Very odd. I think I will forgo my game of chess with the computer and watch it for a while through the binoculars.
Resident Badger
6 hours ago
Whatever you decide Helen, I hope Ginger gets well.
I wonder what the fox is up to?
Thanks Lesley. Re. the soon as I picked up my binoculars the fox disappeared..typical:-))
Lol, sounds about right Helen! :O)
Poor Ginger - I'm sure you'll make the right decision. It's all the toing and froing, waiting for results yada yada yada that makes it harder! Good luck with him xx
Hi Lucy...we are still waiting for the specialist to give his opinion but Ginger was soooo unhappy after his op I am really not sure I can put him through that again even though it might mean he has a shorter life:-(
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